The COVID-19 pandemic shot down a plane called «Chernobyl Tourism 2020» at the time of its take-off.

After the release of the popular series from NBO, when the Chernobyl one only began to receive the first fruits from acrazy wave ofinterest from around the world. Але всі випадки були вперед. Виключення району має тривалий час для реального magnet для foreigners, тому людей, які йдуть в Київ і Ukraine, і в Chernobyl, Pripyat і abandoned villages: Kopachi, Zalissya, Krasne (ці не потрібні слова, але результат для всіх .

В 2018, про 80,000 turistів, які visited this one of the most popular tourist destinations in Ukraine, last year — more than 124,000. Цей рік, більше ніж 200,000visitors був expected, але все,що схилився. Instantly і indefinitely.

I'm not complaining про anything at all now. Всі мають велику думку, що вони потрібні заходи для захисту життя і здоров'я людини. Stopping the spread of the epidemic is a priority now facing the whole world. Quarantine measures повинні бути визначені, як правило, пов'язані з повним і суб'єктом до всіх observational standards, особливо в Ukraine.

However, 'how much will this continue', 'when will it end' and 'what will happen after'? I think every business owner asks himself these questions, і не тільки the tourism business.

It is useless to give forecasts, і все з|із| However, now we considere at least two obvious scenarios:
The first is when, even after quarantine ends, people will hardly travel. Для тривалого часу. More than six months or even a year. Lack of funds caused by the next global economic crisis, хитромудрі attempts to save and restore the business, risk of job loss, health that needs to be restored — this mix is not too good for travel.

Conversely, a person is a social being, therefore, для того, щоб скористатися своїми потребами для нових impresions і acquaintances, і доeliminate psychological trauma from along stay inclosed rooms, people will go someere. It'is not a fact that they will travel far — atfirst within their own countries, then to neighboring ones. It'may be like a pinched stream of water in a pipe. Люди роблять все ефективне для того, щоб поставити позитивно для негативних емоцій, що вони є experimentingnow. Therefore, the best way for them to reboot is to travel.

In both cases, Ukraine is in a winning position. I mean tourists from the EU, because thanks to close proximity, people can save on air tickets. Для більш affordable price, we have something to offer: ethnoculture, modernity, service, and very close by a vivid example of the post-apocalyptic world, the 'time capsule' — the Chernobyl zone.

A similar story has already been observed by Chernobyl. Великі території на один момент кинулися в Desert, і тисячі з Human Destinies змінилися. Irrevocably. Forever.

Even the current fires, which, unfortunately, have burned down more than 10% of the territory, не буде interfere with the attractiveness of the Chernobyl zone. We lost many memorable places. Зовнішні метри, ліси, ряби, і на 12 листів формальних villages, включаючи Лелів, Копачі, Polissya, і територію з Red Forest були вирвані. The fire destroyed the famous MTB-82trolleybus (due to its construction it можуть бутиseen in many photos), the «Emerald» Pioneer Camp. The fire went through the Yaniv railway station, part of the «Fairytale» pioneer camp.
This is a tragedy.

Because it's not just some villages that were burning. The whole history of the region was burning. Наші memory був burning. Fire spares no one.

The disaster caused permanente damage to The Chernobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve. Nature був brutally destroyed. З tears inour eyes, wewatch animals and birds that cannot return to their homes. It's even scary to think how багато of them died in the fire.

Everyone loved the village of Leliv. It was a real time capsule. Там є дуже добре розвинених будинків, школи. There you could see how the inhabitants of Soviet woodland «Polissya» lived. Agricultural utensils, tools, household items. Вони були також well-maintained school with student textbooks and notebooks. Численні Soviet slogans and stands захищені особливим поштовхом.

A feed kilometrs from the village, the "Emerald" Pioneer Camp був located. Хлопчики з Nuclear power plant staff and military families from the garrison of the secret town of Chernobyl-2 the came for summer vacations. There were about a hundred wooden houses painted by charactersз дітей's fairy tales and cartoons. Для прикладу, кіт леопольда, wolf and the hare з "Nu, pogodi", кукурудза львів і тютюн, gnomes and багато інших heroes. Більше, вони були великими сферами лілії valley.
We grieve over all these hopelessly lost relics.

We observed a similar situation в 2015, коли там був ase alarge-scale fire в Chernobyl zone, which destroyed many villages. Ilyintsy, Lubyanka, Dibrova, Polisske — all of them were located in the northern direction and burned to the ground. Then it was also very scary, because the fire was on the tops of the trees.

Forest fires in the exclusion zone є seasonal phenomenon. Problémом є те, що trávа, що покриває довжину зоні, є дуже глибоким в термічній зоні, і в absence of precipitation в формі rain and snow for along time, risk ofcurrence and rapid fires increa. Останній рік, частина theless also burned.

However, fire had never come close to таких важливих об'єктів є the DUGA radar, бойовий центр Chernobyl-2, and, ofcourse, Pripyat town і the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Fortunately, the wind, which literally threw fire (gusts of wind overturned the fire from trees to|trees through roads), changed its direction. Therefore, an Open flame approached a distance of two kilometers, and this is a critical distance. It's a real milacle, that all these objects have survived. It is probably unnecessary to say what we all felt at that moment. We are those people for whom the Chernobyl zone became a second home along time ago.

The Chernobyl zone потребує захисту не тільки в all-Ukrainian, але в the global level. Для того, щоб зробити все більш ефективним на всі рівні, щоб створити і розробити порожню infraструктуру в Chernobyl zone. Всі загальні те, що зона була не ready for such a masive fire just because of the lack offire infrastructure. Dead wood was not cut; вони були не access roads, fire lanes, mineralized sand and clay strips that could stop the spread of fire between the blocks of the forest. Всі ці особи повинні бути такими як для майбутньої в ордені, щоб запобігти тому, що ця трагедія.

Everyone мусить understand that the Exclusion Zone cannot burn!

We буде робити все, що еффорт до ensure that tourists, which arrive in the area after the opening of borders and the end of lockdown, continue to receive the maximum amount of information and a quality tourist product.

У поточному часі, загрожують streets of Pripyat town now again remind of that terrible time. Після тисячі відвідувачів та туристів, коли центральна площина в терміні числа людей, загрожує більше як центральний кінець Kyiv — Khreschatyk, it surdenly became itself again.

Ghost town. The city of memory. Memorial City.

However, the Chernobyl zone is a unique place. Побути за своїми новими прикладами показують, що всі погані, як і раніше, і після будь-якої трагедії, будуть існувати, щоб змінити натуру і позбавити багато цін.

We all hope so. Again, we will wait for the guests and promise to surprise them with new and improved clusters.

У періоді часу, за допомогою цього sudden opportunity and time for training, developing new tourisme products and improving existing ones. У особливій, найбільш ретельно відкритой онлайн освітній платформі для тренуючих речей і для всіх предметів зацікавлених в ньому з Chernobyl. We also prepare online tours to the дуже «heart» of the Exclusion Zone — the Chernobyl NPP.

After the rain, the sun always comes out. We believe in tomorrow! Very soon. And forever.